assertOrThrow = function (passed, message) {
* this function will throw err.<message> if <passed> is falsy
let err;
if (passed) {
err = (
&& typeof message.message === "string"
&& typeof message.stack === "string"
// if message is errObj, then leave as is
? message
: new Error(
typeof message === "string"
// if message is a string, then leave as is
? message
// else JSON.stringify message
: JSON.stringify(message, undefined, 4)
throw err;
opt.tag = tmp[4];
// unwrapKey encrypted_key to cek
opt.cek = base64urlToBuffer(opt.cek || await local.cryptoKeyUnwrap256(
// validate tag
local.assertOrThrow(tmp.length === 5 && opt.tag === await sign(
), "invalid signature");
if (opt.mode === "validate") {
base64FromBuffer = function (buf) {
* this function will convert Uint8Array <buf> to base64 str
let ii;
let mod3;
let str;
let uint24;
let uint6ToB64;
// convert utf8 to Uint8Array
if (typeof buf === "string") {
buf = new TextEncoder().encode(buf);
buf = buf || [];
str = "";
uint24 = 0;
uint6ToB64 = function (uint6) {
return (
uint6 < 26
? uint6 + 65
: uint6 < 52
? uint6 + 71
: uint6 < 62
? uint6 - 4
: uint6 === 62
? 43
: 47
ii = 0;
while (ii < buf.length) {
mod3 = ii % 3;
uint24 |= buf[ii] << (16 >>> mod3 & 24);
if (mod3 === 2 || buf.length - ii === 1) {
str += String.fromCharCode(
uint6ToB64(uint24 >>> 18 & 63),
uint6ToB64(uint24 >>> 12 & 63),
uint6ToB64(uint24 >>> 6 & 63),
uint6ToB64(uint24 & 63)
uint24 = 0;
ii += 1;
return str.replace((
), "");
return buf.subarray(0, jj);
local.base64urlFromBuffer = function (str) {
* this function will convert base64url <str> to Uint8Array
return local.base64FromBuffer(str).replace((
), "-").replace((
), "_");
local.cryptoEncryptAes128cbc = async function (key, iv, data, mode) {
base64ToBuffer = function (str) {
* this function will convert base64 <str> to Uint8Array
let buf;
let byte;
let chr;
let ii;
let jj;
let map64;
let mod4;
str = str || "";
buf = new Uint8Array(str.length); // 3/4
byte = 0;
jj = 0;
map64 = (
!(str.indexOf("-") === -1 && str.indexOf("_") === -1)
// base64url
? "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"
// base64
: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
mod4 = 0;
ii = 0;
while (ii < str.length) {
chr = map64.indexOf(str[ii]);
if (chr !== -1) {
mod4 %= 4;
if (mod4 === 0) {
byte = chr;
} else {
byte = byte * 64 + chr;
buf[jj] = 255 & (byte >> ((-2 * (mod4 + 1)) & 6));
jj += 1;
mod4 += 1;
ii += 1;
// optimization - create resized-view of buf
return buf.subarray(0, jj);
base64urlToBuffer = function (str) {
* this function will convert base64url <str> to Uint8Array
return (
typeof str.byteLength === "number"
? str
: local.base64ToBuffer(str)
sign = async function (cek, aad, iv, ciphertext) {
* this function will hmac-sha-256 sign <opt>.ciphertext
* using <opt>.cek, <opt>.iv, <opt>.protectedHeader
base64urlFromBuffer = function (str) {
* this function will convert base64url <str> to Uint8Array
return local.base64FromBuffer(str).replace((
), "-").replace((
), "_");
base64urlFromBuffer = function (buf) {
* this function will convert Uint8Array <buf> to base64url str
return (
typeof buf === "string"
? buf
: local.base64urlFromBuffer(buf)
base64urlToBuffer = function (str) {
* this function will convert base64url <str> to Uint8Array
return (
coalesce = function (...argList) {
* this function will coalesce null, undefined, or "" in <argList>
let arg;
let ii;
ii = 0;
while (ii < argList.length) {
arg = argList[ii];
if (arg !== null && arg !== undefined && arg !== "") {
ii += 1;
return arg;
async function (key, iv, data, mode) {
* this function will encrypt/decrypt <data> using <key>, <iv>, <mode>
let crypto;
// encode data
if (typeof data === "string") {
data = new TextEncoder().encode(data);
crypto = (
(globalThis.crypto && globalThis.crypto.subtle)
? globalThis.crypto
: require("crypto")
mode = (
(crypto.subtle && mode === "decrypt")
? crypto.subtle.decrypt.bind(crypto.subtle)
: crypto.subtle
? crypto.subtle.encrypt.bind(crypto.subtle)
: mode === "decrypt"
? crypto.createDecipheriv
: crypto.createCipheriv
if (crypto.subtle) {
key = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", key, {
name: "AES-CBC"
}, false, [
"decrypt", "encrypt"
mode = await mode({
name: "AES-CBC"
}, key, data);
data = new Uint8Array(mode);
} else {
mode = mode("aes-128-cbc", key, iv);
data = Buffer.concat([
return data;
), "invalid signature");
if (opt.mode === "validate") {
// decrypt ciphertext to plaintext
opt.plaintext = await local.cryptoEncryptAes128cbc(
opt.plaintext = new TextDecoder().decode(opt.plaintext);
return opt.plaintext;
async function (KK, RR) {
* this function will aes256 wrapKey/unwrapKey <RR> using <KK>
2.2.2 Key Unwrap
Inputs: Ciphertext, (n+1) 64-bit values {C0, C1, ..., Cn}, and
Key, K (the KEK).
Outputs: Plaintext, n 64-bit values {P0, P1, K, Pn}.
1) Initialize variables.
Set A = C[0]
For i = 1 to n
R[i] = C[i]
2) Compute intermediate values.
For j = 5 to 0
For i = n to 1
B = AES-1(K, (A ^ t) | R[i]) where t = n*j+i
A = MSB(64, B)
R[i] = LSB(64, B)
3) Output results.
For i = 1 to n
P[i] = R[i]
return await local.cryptoKeyWrap256(KK, RR, "unwrap");
case "validate":
tmp = opt.jweCompact.split(".");
opt.encrypted_key = tmp[1];
opt.iv = base64urlToBuffer(tmp[2]);
opt.ciphertext = base64urlToBuffer(tmp[3]);
opt.tag = tmp[4];
// unwrapKey encrypted_key to cek
opt.cek = base64urlToBuffer(opt.cek || await local.cryptoKeyUnwrap256(
// validate tag
local.assertOrThrow(tmp.length === 5 && opt.tag === await sign(
async function (KK, RR, mode) {
* this function will aes256 wrapKey/unwrapKey <RR> using <KK>
2.2.1 Key Wrap
Inputs: Plaintext, n 64-bit values {P1, P2, ..., Pn}, and
Key, K (the KEK).
Outputs: Ciphertext, (n+1) 64-bit values {C0, C1, ..., Cn}.
1) Initialize variables.
Set A = IV, an initial value (see 2.2.3)
For i = 1 to n
R[i] = P[i]
2) Calculate intermediate values.
For j = 0 to 5
For i = 1 to n
B = AES(K, A | R[i])
A = MSB(64, B) ^ t where t = (n*j)+i
R[i] = LSB(64, B)
3) Output the results.
Set C[0] = A
For i = 1 to n
C[i] = R[i]
let AA;
let BB;
let crypto;
let ii;
let iv;
let jj;
let loop;
let nn;
let tt;
// init var
AA = new Uint8Array(32);
ii = 0;
iv = new Uint8Array(16);
nn = 4;
crypto = (
(globalThis.crypto && globalThis.crypto.subtle)
? globalThis.crypto
: require("crypto")
// use crypto.subtle
if (crypto.subtle) {
KK = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", KK, {
name: "AES-KW"
}, false, [
"unwrapKey", "wrapKey"
if (mode === "unwrap") {
RR = await crypto.subtle.unwrapKey("raw", RR, KK, {
name: "AES-KW"
}, {
name: "AES-CBC"
}, true, [
"decrypt", "encrypt"
RR = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", RR);
} else {
RR = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", RR, {
name: "AES-CBC"
}, true, [
"decrypt", "encrypt"
RR = await crypto.subtle.wrapKey("raw", RR, KK, "AES-KW");
return new Uint8Array(RR);
crypto = (
mode === "unwrap"
? crypto.createDecipheriv
: crypto.createCipheriv
// init loop
loop = async function () {
// AA xor tt
if (mode === "unwrap") {
tt = nn * jj + ii;
AA[4] ^= ((tt >>> 24) & 0xff);
AA[5] ^= ((tt >> 16) & 0xff);
AA[6] ^= ((tt >> 8) & 0xff);
AA[7] ^= (tt & 0xff);
// init RR
AA[8] = RR[8 * ii];
AA[9] = RR[8 * ii + 1];
AA[10] = RR[8 * ii + 2];
AA[11] = RR[8 * ii + 3];
AA[12] = RR[8 * ii + 4];
AA[13] = RR[8 * ii + 5];
AA[14] = RR[8 * ii + 6];
AA[15] = RR[8 * ii + 7];
// encrypt / decrypt RR
BB = crypto("aes-128-cbc", KK, iv);
BB = Buffer.concat([
// update RR
AA[0] = BB[0];
AA[1] = BB[1];
AA[2] = BB[2];
AA[3] = BB[3];
AA[4] = BB[4];
AA[5] = BB[5];
AA[6] = BB[6];
AA[7] = BB[7];
RR[8 * ii + 0] = BB[8];
RR[8 * ii + 1] = BB[9];
RR[8 * ii + 2] = BB[10];
RR[8 * ii + 3] = BB[11];
RR[8 * ii + 4] = BB[12];
RR[8 * ii + 5] = BB[13];
RR[8 * ii + 6] = BB[14];
RR[8 * ii + 7] = BB[15];
// AA xor tt
if (mode !== "unwrap") {
tt = nn * jj + ii;
AA[4] ^= ((tt >>> 24) & 0xff);
AA[5] ^= ((tt >> 16) & 0xff);
AA[6] ^= ((tt >> 8) & 0xff);
AA[7] ^= (tt & 0xff);
if (mode === "unwrap") {
AA[0] = RR[0];
AA[1] = R...
B = AES-1(K, (A ^ t) | R[i]) where t = n*j+i
A = MSB(64, B)
R[i] = LSB(64, B)
3) Output results.
For i = 1 to n
P[i] = R[i]
return await local.cryptoKeyWrap256(KK, RR, "unwrap");
local.cryptoKeyWrap256 = async function (KK, RR, mode) {
* this function will aes256 wrapKey/unwrapKey <RR> using <KK>
2.2.1 Key Wrap
cryptoRandomBuffer = function (nn) {
* this function will return random buf with length <nn>
return (
(globalThis.crypto && globalThis.crypto.subtle)
? globalThis.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(nn))
: require("crypto").randomBytes(nn)
opt.plaintext = new TextDecoder().decode(opt.plaintext);
return opt.plaintext;
// encrypt
// init cek
if (!opt.cek) {
opt.cek = local.cryptoRandomBuffer(32);
delete opt.encrypted_key;
delete opt.iv;
opt.cek = base64urlToBuffer(opt.cek);
// wrapKey cek to encrypted_key
opt.encrypted_key = base64urlFromBuffer(
opt.encrypted_key || await local.cryptoKeyWrap256(
async function (key, data) {
* this function will crypto-hmac-sha256 sign <data> using <key>
let crypto;
crypto = (
(globalThis.crypto && globalThis.crypto.subtle)
? globalThis.crypto
: require("crypto")
if (crypto.subtle) {
key = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", key, {
hash: "SHA-256",
name: "HMAC"
}, false, [
data = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.sign({
name: "HMAC"
}, key, data));
} else {
data = crypto.createHmac("sha256", key).update(data).digest();
return data;
while (jj < elem.length) {
data[ii] = elem[jj];
ii += 1;
jj += 1;
return base64urlFromBuffer((
await local.cryptoSignHmacSha256(cek.slice(0, 16), data)
).slice(0, 16));
// init kek
opt.kek = base64urlToBuffer(opt.kek);
// {"alg":"A128KW","enc":"A128CBC-HS256"}
opt.protectedHeader = "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0";
switch (opt.mode) {
fsRmrfSync = function (dir) {
* this function will sync "rm -rf" <dir>
let child_process;
try {
child_process = require("child_process");
} catch (ignore) {
child_process.spawnSync("rm", [
"-rf", dir
], {
stdio: [
"ignore", 1, 2
fsWriteFileWithMkdirpSync = function (file, data) {
* this function will sync write <data> to <file> with "mkdir -p"
let fs;
try {
fs = require("fs");
} catch (ignore) {
// try to write file
try {
fs.writeFileSync(file, data);
} catch (ignore) {
// mkdir -p
"-p", require("path").dirname(file)
stdio: [
"ignore", 1, 2
// rewrite file
fs.writeFileSync(file, data);
functionOrNop = function (fnc) {
* this function will if <fnc> exists,
* return <fnc>,
* else return <nop>
return fnc || local.nop;
identity = function (val) {
* this function will return <val>
return val;
async function (opt) {
* this function will A128CBC-HS256 decrypt <opt>.jweCompact using <opt>.kek
opt.mode = "decrypt";
return local.jweEncrypt(opt);
// iv
+ "AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ."
// data
+ "KDlTtXchhZTGufMYmOYGS4HffxPSUrfmqCHXaI9wOGY."
// tag
+ "U0m_YmjN04DJvceFICbCVQ"
opt.jweDecrypted = await local.jweDecrypt({
jweCompact: opt.jweCompact,
kek: "GawgguFyGrWKav7AX4VKUg"
local.assertJsonEqual(opt.jweDecrypted, "Live long and prosper.");
await local.jweValidate({
jweCompact: opt.jweCompact,
kek: "GawgguFyGrWKav7AX4VKUg"
async function (opt) {
* this function will A128CBC-HS256 encrypt <opt>.plaintext
* using <opt>.cek, <opt>.iv, <opt>.kek
* to jwe-compact-serialization
* from
BASE64URL(UTF8(JWE Protected Header)) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWE Encrypted Key) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWE Initialization Vector) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWE Ciphertext) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWE Authentication Tag)
let base64urlFromBuffer;
let base64urlToBuffer;
let sign;
let tmp;
base64urlFromBuffer = function (buf) {
* this function will convert Uint8Array <buf> to base64url str
return (
typeof buf === "string"
? buf
: local.base64urlFromBuffer(buf)
base64urlToBuffer = function (str) {
* this function will convert base64url <str> to Uint8Array
return (
typeof str.byteLength === "number"
? str
: local.base64ToBuffer(str)
sign = async function (cek, aad, iv, ciphertext) {
* this function will hmac-sha-256 sign <opt>.ciphertext
* using <opt>.cek, <opt>.iv, <opt>.protectedHeader
let data;
let ii;
let jj;
// init aad
aad = new TextEncoder().encode(aad);
// init data
data = new Uint8Array(aad.length + iv.length + ciphertext.length + 8);
// concat data
ii = 0;
aad, iv, ciphertext, [
// 64-bit length of aad
(aad.length >>> 21) & 0xff,
(aad.length >> 13) & 0xff,
(aad.length >> 5) & 0xff,
(8 * aad.length) & 0xff
].forEach(function (elem) {
jj = 0;
while (jj < elem.length) {
data[ii] = elem[jj];
ii += 1;
jj += 1;
return base64urlFromBuffer((
await local.cryptoSignHmacSha256(cek.slice(0, 16), data)
).slice(0, 16));
// init kek
opt.kek = base64urlToBuffer(opt.kek);
// {"alg":"A128KW","enc":"A128CBC-HS256"}
opt.protectedHeader = "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0";
switch (opt.mode) {
* parse jweCompact to jwe-json-serialization
* from
"protected", with the value BASE64URL(UTF8(JWE Protected Header))
"unprotected", with the value JWE Shared Unprotected Header
"header", with the value JWE Per-Recipient Unprotected Header
"encrypted_key", with the value BASE64URL(JWE Encrypted Key)
"iv", with the value BASE64URL(JWE Initialization Vector)
"ciphertext", with the value BASE64URL(JWE Ciphertext)
"tag", with the value BASE64URL(JWE Authentication Tag)
"aad", with the value BASE64URL(JWE AAD)
case "decrypt":
case "validate":
tmp = opt.jweCompact.split(".");
opt.encrypted_key = tmp[1];
opt.iv = base64urlToBuffer(tmp[2]);
opt.ciphertext = base64urlToBuffer(tmp[3]);
opt.tag = tmp[4];
// unwrapKey encrypted_key to cek
opt.cek = base64urlToBuffer(opt.cek || await local.cryptoKeyUnwrap256(
// validate tag
local.assertOrThrow(tmp.length === 5 && opt.tag === await sign(
local.jweDecrypt = async function (opt) {
* this function will A128CBC-HS256 decrypt <opt>.jweCompact using <opt>.kek
opt.mode = "decrypt";
return local.jweEncrypt(opt);
local.jweEncrypt = async function (opt) {
* this function will A128CBC-HS256 encrypt <opt>.plaintext
* using <opt>.cek, <opt>.iv, <opt>.kek
* to jwe-compact-serialization
async function (opt) {
* this function will A128CBC-HS256 validate <opt>.jweCompact using <opt>.kek
opt.mode = "validate";
return local.jweEncrypt(opt);
+ "U0m_YmjN04DJvceFICbCVQ"
opt.jweDecrypted = await local.jweDecrypt({
jweCompact: opt.jweCompact,
kek: "GawgguFyGrWKav7AX4VKUg"
local.assertJsonEqual(opt.jweDecrypted, "Live long and prosper.");
await local.jweValidate({
jweCompact: opt.jweCompact,
kek: "GawgguFyGrWKav7AX4VKUg"
onError(undefined, opt);
local.testCase_jwsXxx_default = async function (opt, onError) {
async function (key, jwsCompact) {
* this function will HS256 decode <jwsCompact> using <key>
return await local.jwsEncode(key, jwsCompact, "decode");
+ "cGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ."
// signature
+ "dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk"
await local.jwsDecode(opt.key, opt.jwsCompact),
await local.jwsValidate(opt.key, opt.jwsCompact);
onError(undefined, opt);
//!! local.testCase_jweXxx_default(undefined, local.onErrorDefault);
async function (key, payload, mode) {
* this function will HS256 encode <payload> using <key>
* to jws-compact-serialization
* from
BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWS Payload) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWS Signature)
let sign;
sign = async function (key, data) {
return local.base64urlFromBuffer(await local.cryptoSignHmacSha256(
new TextEncoder().encode(data)
switch (mode) {
case "decode":
case "validate":
payload = payload.split(".");
payload.length === 3
&& payload[2] === (await sign(key, payload.slice(0, 2).join(".")))
), "invalid signature");
if (mode === "validate") {
return new TextDecoder().decode(local.base64ToBuffer(payload[1]));
// encode
payload = (
+ local.base64urlFromBuffer(payload)
return payload + "." + (await sign(key, payload));
return local.jweEncrypt(opt);
local.jwsDecode = async function (key, jwsCompact) {
* this function will HS256 decode <jwsCompact> using <key>
return await local.jwsEncode(key, jwsCompact, "decode");
local.jwsEncode = async function (key, payload, mode) {
* this function will HS256 encode <payload> using <key>
* to jws-compact-serialization
* from
async function (key, jwsCompact) {
* this function will HS256 validate <jwsCompact> using <key>
return await local.jwsEncode(key, jwsCompact, "validate");
// signature
+ "dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk"
await local.jwsDecode(opt.key, opt.jwsCompact),
await local.jwsValidate(opt.key, opt.jwsCompact);
onError(undefined, opt);
//!! local.testCase_jweXxx_default(undefined, local.onErrorDefault);
//!! local.testCase_jwsXxx_default(undefined, local.onErrorDefault);
nop = function () {
* this function will do nothing
objectAssignDefault = function (target, source) {
* this function will if items from <target> are null, undefined, or "",
* then overwrite them with items from <source>
target = target || {};
Object.keys(source || {}).forEach(function (key) {
if (
target[key] === null
|| target[key] === undefined
|| target[key] === ""
) {
target[key] = target[key] || source[key];
return target;
}).join(" ").replace((
), "") + "\n";
// scroll textarea to bottom
elem.scrollTop = elem.scrollHeight;
local.objectAssignDefault(local, globalThis.domOnEventDelegateDict);
globalThis.domOnEventDelegateDict = local;
// run node js-env code - init-test
(function () {
querySelector = function (selectors) {
* this function will return first dom-elem that match <selectors>
return (
typeof document === "object" && document
&& typeof document.querySelector === "function"
&& document.querySelector(selectors)
) || {};
local.querySelector = function (selectors) {
* this function will return first dom-elem that match <selectors>
return (
typeof document === "object" && document
&& typeof document.querySelector === "function"
&& document.querySelector(selectors)
) || {};
local.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
* this function will return dom-elem-list that match <selectors>
return (
querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
* this function will return dom-elem-list that match <selectors>
return (
typeof document === "object" && document
&& typeof document.querySelectorAll === "function"
&& Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selectors))
) || [];
local.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
* this function will return dom-elem-list that match <selectors>
return (
typeof document === "object" && document
&& typeof document.querySelectorAll === "function"
&& Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selectors))
) || [];
// require builtin
if (!local.isBrowser) {
local.assert = require("assert");
local.buffer = require("buffer");
local.child_process = require("child_process");