function Metadata() { this._internal_repr = {}; }
function makeUnaryRequest(argument, metadata, options, callback) {
/* jshint validthis: true */
/* While the arguments are listed in the function signature, those variables
* are not used directly. Instead, ArgueJS processes the arguments
* object. This allows for simple handling of optional arguments in the
* middle of the argument list, and also provides type checking. */
var args = arguejs({argument: null, metadata: [Metadata, new Metadata()],
options: [Object], callback: Function}, arguments);
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
var call = getCall(this.$channel, method, args.options);
metadata = args.metadata.clone();
emitter.cancel = function cancel() {
function Server(options) {
this.handlers = {};
var handlers = this.handlers;
var server = new grpc.Server(options);
this._server = server;
this.started = false;
* Start the server and begin handling requests
* @this Server
this.start = function() {
if (this.started) {
throw new Error('Server is already running');
this.started = true;
* Handles the SERVER_RPC_NEW event. If there is a handler associated with
* the requested method, use that handler to respond to the request. Then
* wait for the next request
* @param {grpc.Event} event The event to handle with tag SERVER_RPC_NEW
function handleNewCall(err, event) {
if (err) {
var details = event.new_call;
var call =;
var method = details.method;
var metadata = Metadata._fromCoreRepresentation(details.metadata);
if (method === null) {
var handler;
if (handlers.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
handler = handlers[method];
} else {
var batch = {};
batch[grpc.opType.SEND_INITIAL_METADATA] =
(new Metadata())._getCoreRepresentation();
batch[grpc.opType.SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER] = {
code: grpc.status.UNIMPLEMENTED,
details: '',
metadata: {}
batch[grpc.opType.RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER] = true;
call.startBatch(batch, function() {});
streamHandlers[handler.type](call, handler, metadata);
* Gracefully shuts down the server. The server will stop receiving new calls,
* and any pending calls will complete. The callback will be called when all
* pending calls have completed and the server is fully shut down. This method
* is idempotent with itself and forceShutdown.
* @param {function()} callback The shutdown complete callback
this.tryShutdown = function(callback) {
* Forcibly shuts down the server. The server will stop receiving new calls
* and cancel all pending calls. When it returns, the server has shut down.
* This method is idempotent with itself and tryShutdown, and it will trigger
* any outstanding tryShutdown callbacks.
this.forceShutdown = function() {
* Server module
* This module contains all the server code for Node gRPC: both the Server
* class itself and the method handler code for all types of methods.
* For example, to create a Server, add a service, and start it:
* var server = new server_module.Server();
* server.addProtoService(protobuf_service_descriptor, service_implementation);
* server.bind('address:port', server_credential);
* server.start();
* @module
function ServerCredentials() { [native code] }
getClientChannel = function (client) { return client.$channel; }
function load(filename, format, options) { if (!format) { format = 'proto'; } var convertFieldsToCamelCaseOriginal = ProtoBuf.convertFieldsToCamelCase; if(options && options.hasOwnProperty('convertFieldsToCamelCase')) { ProtoBuf.convertFieldsToCamelCase = options.convertFieldsToCamelCase; } var builder; try { switch(format) { case 'proto': builder = ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile(filename); break; case 'json': builder = ProtoBuf.loadJsonFile(filename); break; default: throw new Error('Unrecognized format "' + format + '"'); } } finally { ProtoBuf.convertFieldsToCamelCase = convertFieldsToCamelCaseOriginal; } return loadObject(builder.ns, options); }
* Client module
* This module contains the factory method for creating Client classes, and the
* method calling code for all types of methods.
* For example, to create a client and call a method on it:
* var proto_obj = grpc.load(proto_file_path);
* var Client = proto_obj.package.subpackage.ServiceName;
* var client = new Client(server_address, client_credentials);
* var call = client.unaryMethod(arguments, callback);
* @module
function loadObject(value, options) { var result = {}; if (value.className === 'Namespace') { _.each(value.children, function(child) { result[] = loadObject(child, options); }); return result; } else if (value.className === 'Service') { return client.makeProtobufClientConstructor(value, options); } else if (value.className === 'Message' || value.className === 'Enum') { return; } else { return value; } }
makeGenericClientConstructor = function (methods,
class_options) {
if (!class_options) {
class_options = {};
* Create a client with the given methods
* @constructor
* @param {string} address The address of the server to connect to
* @param {grpc.Credentials} credentials Credentials to use to connect
* to the server
* @param {Object} options Options to pass to the underlying channel
function Client(address, credentials, options) {
if (!options) {
options = {};
/* Append the grpc-node user agent string after the application user agent
* string, and put the combination at the beginning of the user agent string
if (options['grpc.primary_user_agent']) {
options['grpc.primary_user_agent'] += ' ';
} else {
options['grpc.primary_user_agent'] = '';
options['grpc.primary_user_agent'] += 'grpc-node/' + version;
/* Private fields use $ as a prefix instead of _ because it is an invalid
* prefix of a method name */
this.$channel = new grpc.Channel(address, credentials, options);
_.each(methods, function(attrs, name) {
var method_type;
if (_.startsWith(name, '$')) {
throw new Error('Method names cannot start with $');
if (attrs.requestStream) {
if (attrs.responseStream) {
method_type = 'bidi';
} else {
method_type = 'client_stream';
} else {
if (attrs.responseStream) {
method_type = 'server_stream';
} else {
method_type = 'unary';
var serialize = attrs.requestSerialize;
var deserialize = attrs.responseDeserialize;
var method_func = requester_makers[method_type](
attrs.path, serialize, deserialize);
if (class_options.deprecatedArgumentOrder) {
Client.prototype[name] = deprecated_request_wrap(method_func);
} else {
Client.prototype[name] = method_func;
// Associate all provided attributes with the method
_.assign(Client.prototype[name], attrs);
return Client;
function setLogVerbosity(verbosity) { common.logVerbosity = verbosity; grpc.setLogVerbosity(verbosity); }
* Sets the logger verbosity for gRPC module logging. The options are members
* of the grpc.logVerbosity map.
* @param {Number} verbosity The minimum severity to log
exports.setLogVerbosity = function setLogVerbosity(verbosity) {
common.logVerbosity = verbosity;
* @see module:src/server.Server
exports.Server = server.Server;
function setLogger(logger) { common.logger = logger; grpc.setDefaultLoggerCallback(function(file, line, severity, message, timestamp) { logger.error(log_template({ file: path.basename(file), line: line, severity: severity, message: message, timestamp: timestamp.toISOString() })); }); }
waitForClientReady = function (client, deadline, callback) { var checkState = function(err) { if (err) { callback(new Error('Failed to connect before the deadline')); return; } var new_state = client.$channel.getConnectivityState(true); if (new_state === grpc.connectivityState.READY) { callback(); } else if (new_state === grpc.connectivityState.FATAL_FAILURE) { callback(new Error('Failed to connect to server')); } else { client.$channel.watchConnectivityState(new_state, deadline, checkState); } }; checkState(); }
function Metadata() { this._internal_repr = {}; }
function makeUnaryRequest(argument, metadata, options, callback) {
/* jshint validthis: true */
/* While the arguments are listed in the function signature, those variables
* are not used directly. Instead, ArgueJS processes the arguments
* object. This allows for simple handling of optional arguments in the
* middle of the argument list, and also provides type checking. */
var args = arguejs({argument: null, metadata: [Metadata, new Metadata()],
options: [Object], callback: Function}, arguments);
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
var call = getCall(this.$channel, method, args.options);
metadata = args.metadata.clone();
emitter.cancel = function cancel() {
add = function (key, value) { key = normalizeKey(key); validate(key, value); if (!this._internal_repr[key]) { this._internal_repr[key] = []; } this._internal_repr[key].push(value); }
clone = function () { var copy = new Metadata(); _.forOwn(this._internal_repr, function(value, key) { copy._internal_repr[key] = _.clone(value); }); return copy; }
* are not used directly. Instead, ArgueJS processes the arguments
* object. This allows for simple handling of optional arguments in the
* middle of the argument list, and also provides type checking. */
var args = arguejs({argument: null, metadata: [Metadata, new Metadata()],
options: [Object], callback: Function}, arguments);
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
var call = getCall(this.$channel, method, args.options);
metadata = args.metadata.clone();
emitter.cancel = function cancel() {
emitter.getPeer = function getPeer() {
return call.getPeer();
var client_batch = {};
get = function (key) { key = normalizeKey(key); if (, key)) { return this._internal_repr[key]; } else { return []; } }
var host;
var parent;
var propagate_flags;
var credentials;
if (options) {
deadline = options.deadline;
host =;
parent = _.get(options, '');
propagate_flags = options.propagate_flags;
credentials = options.credentials;
if (deadline === undefined) {
deadline = Infinity;
var call = new grpc.Call(channel, method, deadline, host,
getMap = function () { var result = {}; _.forOwn(this._internal_repr, function(values, key) { if(values.length > 0) { result[key] = values[0]; } }); return result; }
remove = function (key) { key = normalizeKey(key); if (, key)) { delete this._internal_repr[key]; } }
set = function (key, value) { key = normalizeKey(key); validate(key, value); this._internal_repr[key] = [value]; }
function Server(options) {
this.handlers = {};
var handlers = this.handlers;
var server = new grpc.Server(options);
this._server = server;
this.started = false;
* Start the server and begin handling requests
* @this Server
this.start = function() {
if (this.started) {
throw new Error('Server is already running');
this.started = true;
* Handles the SERVER_RPC_NEW event. If there is a handler associated with
* the requested method, use that handler to respond to the request. Then
* wait for the next request
* @param {grpc.Event} event The event to handle with tag SERVER_RPC_NEW
function handleNewCall(err, event) {
if (err) {
var details = event.new_call;
var call =;
var method = details.method;
var metadata = Metadata._fromCoreRepresentation(details.metadata);
if (method === null) {
var handler;
if (handlers.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
handler = handlers[method];
} else {
var batch = {};
batch[grpc.opType.SEND_INITIAL_METADATA] =
(new Metadata())._getCoreRepresentation();
batch[grpc.opType.SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER] = {
code: grpc.status.UNIMPLEMENTED,
details: '',
metadata: {}
batch[grpc.opType.RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER] = true;
call.startBatch(batch, function() {});
streamHandlers[handler.type](call, handler, metadata);
* Gracefully shuts down the server. The server will stop receiving new calls,
* and any pending calls will complete. The callback will be called when all
* pending calls have completed and the server is fully shut down. This method
* is idempotent with itself and forceShutdown.
* @param {function()} callback The shutdown complete callback
this.tryShutdown = function(callback) {
* Forcibly shuts down the server. The server will stop receiving new calls
* and cancel all pending calls. When it returns, the server has shut down.
* This method is idempotent with itself and tryShutdown, and it will trigger
* any outstanding tryShutdown callbacks.
this.forceShutdown = function() {
* Server module
* This module contains all the server code for Node gRPC: both the Server
* class itself and the method handler code for all types of methods.
* For example, to create a Server, add a service, and start it:
* var server = new server_module.Server();
* server.addProtoService(protobuf_service_descriptor, service_implementation);
* server.bind('address:port', server_credential);
* server.start();
* @module
addProtoService = function (service, implementation) { var options; if (service.grpc_options) { options = service.grpc_options; } this.addService(common.getProtobufServiceAttrs(service, options), implementation); }
* This module contains all the server code for Node gRPC: both the Server
* class itself and the method handler code for all types of methods.
* For example, to create a Server, add a service, and start it:
* var server = new server_module.Server();
* server.addProtoService(protobuf_service_descriptor, service_implementation);
* server.bind('address:port', server_credential);
* server.start();
* @module
'use strict';
addService = function (service, implementation) { if (this.started) { throw new Error('Can\'t add a service to a started server.'); } var self = this; _.each(service, function(attrs, name) { var method_type; if (attrs.requestStream) { if (attrs.responseStream) { method_type = 'bidi'; } else { method_type = 'client_stream'; } } else { if (attrs.responseStream) { method_type = 'server_stream'; } else { method_type = 'unary'; } } var impl; if (implementation[name] === undefined) { common.log(grpc.logVerbosity.ERROR, 'Method handler for ' + attrs.path + ' expected but not provided'); impl = defaultHandler[method_type]; } else { impl = _.bind(implementation[name], implementation); } var serialize = attrs.responseSerialize; var deserialize = attrs.requestDeserialize; var register_success = self.register(attrs.path, impl, serialize, deserialize, method_type); if (!register_success) { throw new Error('Method handler for ' + attrs.path + ' already provided.'); } }); }
* method implementation for the provided service.
Server.prototype.addProtoService = function(service, implementation) {
var options;
if (service.grpc_options) {
options = service.grpc_options;
this.addService(common.getProtobufServiceAttrs(service, options),
* Binds the server to the given port, with SSL enabled if creds is given
* @param {string} port The port that the server should bind on, in the format
* "address:port"
bind = function (port, creds) { if (this.started) { throw new Error('Can\'t bind an already running server to an address'); } return this._server.addHttp2Port(port, creds); }
* This module contains all the server code for Node gRPC: both the Server
* class itself and the method handler code for all types of methods.
* For example, to create a Server, add a service, and start it:
* var server = new server_module.Server();
* server.addProtoService(protobuf_service_descriptor, service_implementation);
* server.bind('address:port', server_credential);
* server.start();
* @module
'use strict';
register = function (name, handler, serialize, deserialize, type) { if (this.handlers.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return false; } this.handlers[name] = { func: handler, serialize: serialize, deserialize: deserialize, type: type }; return true; }
attrs.path + ' expected but not provided');
impl = defaultHandler[method_type];
} else {
impl = _.bind(implementation[name], implementation);
var serialize = attrs.responseSerialize;
var deserialize = attrs.requestDeserialize;
var register_success = self.register(attrs.path, impl, serialize,
deserialize, method_type);
if (!register_success) {
throw new Error('Method handler for ' + attrs.path +
' already provided.');
function ServerCredentials() { [native code] }
createInsecure = function () { [native code] }
createSsl = function () { [native code] }